Nunu Spirits x KAPPS

6 min read
Nunu Spirits x KAPPS
By Pavel Klymentenko
June 24, 2022

One of the recent projects we’ve created was in partnership with an amazing team of Nunu Spirits. What challenges we’ve faced during the work, what were the most important communication out-takes we made, and how guys have reacted to the war in Ukraine? Check all this in our new blog!

Working on the Nunu Spirits was always multifaceted and interesting. We always believe that a developer must be passionate about the life of the project, from the very beginning to the very end. This is not just about writing code or having excitement about the graphical component but also about interacting with each other.

This was our case with the Slovakian team on the Nunu Spirits project. We were lucky to work with them, as it was a constant pleasure, no matter all challenges we’ve faced. We have never met such enthusiastic, responsible, kind, and down-to-Earth people at the same time.

What’s Nunu Spirits?

Before we go to our personal experience on the project, we’d love to describe it to you. With the help of Nunu, which is a whole fantasy world, you can plant trees by playing a game. Players collect and earn 3D NFTs called Nunus, where every Nunu has the chance to become a real tree, planted in the real world.

This is how the Nunu Spirits merges the joy of casual gaming and the earning capacity of blockchain and turns it into ecological action. This was a very exciting and innovative project to work on. Making a game with reforesting initiatives around the world was also something we felt is very important, especially from now on.

Interpersonal connections

To start describing our connection with the team, it was based on the same values and very matching energy. Our calls would show this mutual understanding between the two companies at their best. All discussions of the project on average had been taken no more than half an hour a week! This shows how fast and easy our communication flow was.

In addition, what made us respect Nunu Spirits so much is their concern about the war in Ukraine. They sincerely asked each developer on our team about their personal situation, were willing to help anytime, and if some breaks in the Internet connection were seen they were patient like no one else.

Technical tasks

Speaking about the technical tasks, our team was responsible for creating a prototype, which later grew into a full-fledged game. We were also writing a level Generator tool to fully create, edit and update the game world.

Another major things we’re proud to create for Nunu Spirits are animations. It was a great success because we had a complete understanding of what exactly the team wanted to get in the final looks of models in the game.

The result

Thus, we put a huge part of our soul into the gameplay, from the basic things (like the form of character control) to the revitalization of the game world. This Nunu Universe will make people delighted for sure people. And at the same time, it makes us proud of the effort we’ve put into creating it and the result we’ve got.

Nunu’s team feedback

“We were really glad to have the opportunity to cooperate with the whole KAPPS team. Even in this difficult situation, they were always able to provide professional, high-quality services. Our cooperation was very fruitful, and we hope to have a chance to work together on more projects in the future”, says Marek Bartovic, Nunu Spirits Game Producer.

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about the author
Pavlo Klymentenko
CBDO, Tech Lead, Co-founder
Pavlo is a Co-founder, CBDO and Tech Lead of KAPPS. Pavel has solid skills and 6+ years of experience in Unity development. He has a passion to making cutting-edge core features, architecture design, Editor Tools for any purposes and optimizing the development process. His team added to the creation of optimization tools for the Ori Will of the Wisps project under cooperation with Moon Studios. He worked on exciting projects with Roomful and cooperated with such a game dev leader as Rogue Sun.

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